Melcalin® Nimet

Melcalin NIMET is a food supplement that contains Copper and Manganese useful for normal energy metabolism while the proper functioning of the immune system is supported by zinc and copper. The minerals mentioned along with vitamin E contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

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    All biological processes that occur in our bodies require energy, the production of which may be provided by two substances in particular: Coenzyme Q10 and L-carnitine; the first is a key component of the mitochondrial process that converts the energy of carbohydrates and fatty acids into ATP (cellular energy) while the second acts as a carrier of fatty acid chains in the mitochondrial matrix thereby allowing the cells to obtain energy from the reserves of fat stored1,2,3,4. Energy production can also be supported by minerals such as copper and zinc that are involved in enzyme systems designed to regulate energy production as well as the protection from the free radicals20,21,22,23. The antioxidant effect is guaranteed by the beta-carotene5,18,19, by red vine extract6,15,16 (that have a broad spectrum of therapeutic effects: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective and neuroprotective effects) and by the Evening Primrose oil11,12 whose active compounds are able to inhibit the release of proinflammatory mediators (TNF-alfa, interleukin 1-beta and IL-6). Vitamin D7,8,9,10 acts on the metabolism of calcium, on the morphology of bone, on the cell growth and in immune function while vitamin E13,14,17 is a powerful antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties. Melcalin Nimet combining the properties of all these elements provides the body with a proper intake of
    minerals, vitamins and essential substances which ensure sufficient energy production, reduces the feeling of fatigue, improves physical performance during exercise and ensures an excellent antioxidant activity.

    Fields of application

    • Promotes cellular energy production.
    • The feeling of tiredness decreases.
    • Improve psychophysical performance.
    • It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.


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